Chiwenga's Ex-Wife Looted Millions

A whistleblower Prisca Mutema has claimed on microblogging site, Twitter, that Jocelyn Chiwenga who is Vice President Constantino Chiwenga's former wife looted millions from various banks and she has not paid them.

"Jocelyn Chiwenga, former wife to Vice President Chiwenga borrowed +US$4mil for Chakoma Farm which she co-owned with General Chiwenga, in Shamva/Mt Darwin.

"This is just as an example of how politicians, ministers, MPs, opposition leaders etc borrowed money they never intended to pay back.
Chiwenga's Ex-Wife Looted Millions
"Within a single farming season, she would plant, tobacco seeds, plough over them when they were just shoots, plant maize, do the same thing, plant soya and repeat the same thing. All on the exact same piece of land, all within a space of 2 or 3 months. Why?
"Because each time, CBZ or Agribank and others would have given her e.g. US$800k cash as a 1st draw-down on that tobacco/maize/soya crop. For her to access another US$1mil, they had to verify she had planted with the 1st draw-down.
"And outside the country, holidays, flights, cars, jewellery. Soon as the loan people inspected a field of newly-plated tobacco and left, she would plough over that field and plant maize, then go to another bank for a maize loan.

"The process was repeated, the maize ploughed over as soon as the bank had seen the green shoots in on the farm and soya then planted over the ploughed over maize seedlings
"She was not the only one and she is now being hounded to pay back US$2.6million she borrowed to do all this when she was married to Chiwenga. CBZ, Agribank, ZB Bank claim the VP has paid back his portion of those loans, but we need to see the ZAMCO loan book

"These loans were taken +6 years ago. Chiwenga divorced Jocelyn in 2011/12. This is reason it is important for Reserve Bank to fully open the books of ZAMCO, not selectively open like ZAMCO do now, for only US$300mil. We need to see the whole US$1Billion ZAMCO loan book.

"Questions: how much of VP Chiwenga s loans have been taken over by ZAMCO and paid via Treasury Bills, paid off by taxpayers like you and me. How much of Tsvangirai's loans? How much of Obert Mpofu's loans? How much of current and former MDC MP s loans?

"How much of Mangudya's own loans from CBZ were handed over to ZAMCO? Mugabe and his sons? Executives at Agribank, ZB_Bank, POSB, Metbank? These loans, including Jocelyn s are unpaid to this day."

Prisca has been running a series of Tweets showing how senior government officials are sucking the country dry causing haemorrhaging on the economy.

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