Armed Robbers Kill Sheriff, Another

SHERIFF of the High Court, Kelvin Karasa and a United Theological College employee Isheanesu Brian Kadenge were murdered in separate incidences recently by suspected armed robbers after offering them lifts.

Francis Alimoso (36) and Day Kaseke (26) appeared before magistrate Rumbidzai Mugwagwa yesterday facing charges of armed robbery and murder.
Armed Robbers Kill Sheriff, Another
Armed Robbers Kill Sheriff, Another
The duo was advised to apply for bail at the High Court.

On September 14, Alimoso, Kaseke and four accomplices went to Muza Shopping Centre in Epworth and posed as travellers looking for transport.

The State alleges Alimoso and his gang sought transport from Karasa, a sheriff at Harare High Court, who driving a government-issue vehicle to Ruwa.

Karasa offered them transport and when they arrived at Mara Farm in Epworth, one of the accused claimed he had reached his destination and Karasa stopped the motor vehicle.

One of the accused persons then grabbed Karasa by the throat, pushed him from the driver’s seat and tied his legs and hands. They searched him and took $82, a satchel with court documents and a cellphone. They also demanded his EcoCash pin.
Alimoso allegedly cut the car seat belts and dragged Karasa for about 50 metres into the bush, tore his suit and used it to blind fold him before tying him to a tree. He then struck him on the head and left him for dead.

The State alleges Alimoso and Kaseke drove the government vehicle for a while before dumping it in the central business district the following day. Karasa’s decomposing body was discovered by an Epworth resident who was looking for firewood.

Alimoso and his gang also allegedly pounced on the now deceased Kadenge (24) who was driving from Norton after he offered them transport.

They allegedly attacked him at the Lake Chivero turn-off, and tied his hands and legs.

They took Kadenge’s cellphone, cash and demanded his EcoCash pin before tearing his clothes and blindfolding him. Kadenge was allegedly dragged into the bush and struck with a stone on the head and left for dead. They used his car as a taxi in town and picked up four passengers from whom they stole cellphones and cash before dumping them at Mbizi Game Park.

Kadenge’s body was later discovered by Silindeni Mwachebe at Somerby Farm.

Investigations led to the arrest of Alimoso and Kaseke who implicated their accomplises who are on the run.
Kadenge’s wallet, his and Karasa’s mobile phones were recovered, along with others belonging to several complainants.

Sebastian Mutizirwa appeared for the State.

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